Training Tuesday:Delivering Great Customer Service

Training Tuesday: How to Deliver Great Customer Service

Many customers are suspicious of freight salesmen. They think that we’re there at the time of the sale but not when they need us if something goes wrong. Many people get buyer’s remorse. When they get that follow-up email or phone call, or they experience the other customer service techniques discussed here, it makes them think, “Yes, I made the right decision.”

Constant communication is the key to building a lasting relationship with customers and prospects.  You must stay in touch.

Let’s define SERVICE as anything that builds trust and confidence in the company and the services you provide to the customer.

Following is a list of services that are specific and measurable. You can use this checklist to make service a more specific part of your sales planning.

1.Write thank you notes as part of your service system. Carry cards in your car and fill them out at the end of the call while still in the customer’s parking lot.

2.Schedule a visit of upper management to your client. This is a symbolic and information gathering visit.

3.Conduct agency or corporate office tours on a regular basis. Clients need to see the agency or corporate office, especially large shippers, so that they can see the depth of the professionalism and dedication that goes into moving their freight.

4.Hold round table discussions about business trends and opportunities with key clients.

5.Throw a client appreciation party, cookout, or breakfast.

6.Invite your customer to accompany you to seminars, speeches, and functions.

7.Return all phone calls immediately. The simple act of returning a phone call can differentiate you from the competition.

8.Vary your modes of contact. A call, package, or email will have more impact if it’s reinforced with another form of contact.

9.Make buying fun. Selling doesn’t have to be all serious business. You don’t have to sacrifice professionalism to make buying an energizing, enjoyable experience that will keep your customers coming back.

10.Make sure internal employees are well-trained in good customer service techniques. 

11.Most importantly, do what you promised, do it when you promised, and do it more often than the competition.


Check back next Tuesday for more tips on Selling SunteckTTS. The full playlist of videos can be found on our YouTube channel.


Intermodal 101:Rates

Intermodal 101: Rates

Use of rail controlled, door to door offerings have some positive and negative components to consider. It is important to contemplate them when trying to determine if this option for intermodal shipping fits your needs.  This product offering has been beneficial to the railroads and doesn’t show signs of changing, but to understand why it is good for the railroad, it is important to understand the dynamics that lead to this service.  This post will discuss one of the major contributing factors – rates.

Historically, the rails went to market through a controlled network of 3rd Party Logistics (3PL) companies who held contracts with the rails to sell their service in a ramp to ramp environment.  The 3PLs who held these contracts are known as Intermodal Marketing Companies (IMCs).

It was the job of the IMC to coordinate the origin drayage, rail linehaul and the destination drayage, to put together a complete move from origin to destination.  This allowed the IMC to consider different rails and different drayage firms to arrive at the solution the customer was looking for – whether that was speed, ride quality, lower rates, etc.

This method relied on contracted rates between the rail providers and the IMC’s.  It may be Freight All Kinds (FAK) rates that are basically the same across all IMCs or Special Pricing Quotes (SPQs) that are put in place for a specific Beneficial Cargo Owner (BCO).

As railroad consolidation began to pick up steam, the rails decided to limit the number of IMCs they would allow.  Each IMC that had a contract in place could continue moving freight with the rail on a ramp to ramp basis.   This was an advantage for the IMC community, but was a restrictor to the railroads and their efforts to grow.

Going hand in hand with rates is equipment supply, which we will discuss in our next post.


Check in on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month for more information on intermodal and how it can benefit you!


Training Tuesday:Asking for Referrals

Training Tuesday: Asking for Customer Referrals

Referrals are the easiest sales you’ll make. It’s your job to tell a purchasing manager that SunteckTTS offers the best service available; that’s what he expects you to say. But when he hears it from a fellow purchasing manager then that’s something entirely different.

Always ask for referrals! Asking for referrals is the difference between middle-of-the-pack sales agents and star performers. And yet sales agents are usually terrified to ask for referrals. Don’t be timid. Always start by asking for referrals within their own company, on-site and at different locations. Then, branch out and ask for referrals to businesses in the area where they might know a decision-maker.

When asking for a referral, try and get this information: company name, contact name, new contact’s title, what they ship, address, telephone number, and how your client is acquainted with the referral. You should also ask permission to use their name when making the call.

Ask every prospect you meet for referrals, and ask every satisfied customer for a testimonial letter. If they don’t have time, offer to type up their comments and then get their signature. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain – ALWAYS ASK!

Using referrals and testimonials in your presentations and qualifying calls sends and reinforces the message that it’s a good business decision to trust you and SunteckTTS. Others have trusted you with good results.

People like working with a winner. In many ways it makes them feel like a winner too. When you demonstrate your successes you make the customer more comfortable with their decision to buy from SunteckTTS.

Repeat business and referrals are the two biggest keys to long-term success in transportation sales.


Check back next Tuesday for more tips on Selling SunteckTTS. The full playlist of videos can be found on our YouTube channel.


LTL 101:PODs and Additional Services Charges

LTL 101: PODs and Additional Services Charges

The last blog discussed educating shippers to ensure the BOL is set up correctly and to avoid a possible dispute with the carrier regarding the invoice. This week is discussing educating consignees so they know what to expect at the time of delivery.

It is very important to educate your consignee BEFORE the freight is delivered about what the process will be like. Will they need a liftgate? Will the driver be helping unload the freight in any form or manner? By asking these questions in advance, and by making sure that you are on the same page as the consignee, you can minimize additional charges on the invoice.

On the delivery receipt/proof of delivery (POD), issues should be noted if you suspect that the value of the product has been compromised. Make sure to note any damage to the packaging, and/or missing product. Having these notes on the POD makes it easier to file a freight claim with the carrier if necessary.

Another tactic you can take is refusing a shipment if there is damage; this means that the consignee does not accept the freight in the condition presented – meaning you will eventually file a damage claim. This will alert the carrier that something is wrong with the shipment and that they should get in touch with the appropriate party. Make sure you use this tactic responsibly and honestly, because if a shipment is not damaged the carrier can tack on a redelivery fee. Yikes!
Five of the most common additional services on a POD include:

  1. Lift Gate – Hydraulic lift on the rear of a truck used to assist in the unloading of freight.
  2. Inside Delivery – The driver is only responsible for moving the freight off the truck. If the driver helps move the freight more than a few feet away from the truck, even if it’s not “inside,” then an Inside Delivery fee may apply. Be very careful with this one because the terminology can be misleading and it varies by carrier.
  3. Limited Access (Residential) – This is up to the carrier’s discretion, however, there are locations that will always be deemed limited access.
  4. Sort/Segregate – Certain locations may require a carrier to sort and segregate a shipment. This is additional handling beyond the normal duties of a driver that will incur additional fee(s).
  5. Detention – With most LTL carriers, the first 30 minutes from when the driver arrives are free. Any additional time is subject to an additional detention fee.


So the next time you sign a POD when receiving your shipment, be sure to review it and see if any additional services listed are being used. Services can be pre-printed or added to the POD by a driver, and the additional charges may vary. In some cases, it may be good practice to have your consignee obtain a copy of the POD themselves.


Check back every 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month for more inside information on LTL through our Multimodal Wednesday Series.


Training Tuesday:Handling Rejection

Training Tuesday: Handling Rejection

Rejection is a daily occurrence in the sales profession. You’re going to be rejected.  How quickly and how well you recover will determine how successful your next sales call will be. If you are not careful, a rejection mishandled can lead to several more rejections.

The best SunteckTTS sales reps get rejected, maybe not as often as some, but it still happens.  Learn to accept rejection as an occupational hazard and move on.  One of the biggest mistakes a salesperson can make is to get rejected and never go back.  Don’t close the door on a client forever after receiving just one rejection.  People are more likely to give you their business if they know you really want it.  Stay in touch and demonstrate your professionalism.

75% of all salespeople quit after the first NO, another 5% quit after the second NO, and only 20% persist until the third NO. It’s not surprising that 20% of salespeople make 80% of all sales.

Persistence and proper handling of rejection will allow you the opportunity to overcome this rejection and make sales in the future.


Check back next Tuesday for more tips on Selling SunteckTTS. The full playlist of videos can be found on our YouTube channel.


Intermodal 101:Door to Door Rail

Intermodal 101: Door to Door Rail

For people who have not shipped via Intermodal in the past, utilizing rail controlled, door to door offerings can be an effective way to familiarize yourself with it.

Typically, an Intermodal shipment requires coordination of a drayman to handle the pickup, a railroad to move the shipment from origin ramp to destination ramp and another drayman to handle the delivery to the consignee.  This type of shipping usually results in an affordable transportation option for the shipper, though it can be daunting for a shipper. If the shipper lacks experience, coordinating these pieces can feel too risky to justify adding intermodal into their shipping process. In this case, the railroads have another option.

One of the options a shipper might utilize is “Door to Door” shipping on the railroads.  This option allows a shipper some of the advantages of shipping Intermodal, but the rail company is responsible for coordinating the details. The shipper is responsible for dispatching one party, the same as they do for an over-the- road (OTR) shipment.  There are several reasons that a shipper might find this advantageous.

First, the shippers’ operational system already allows them to set up a shipment with one carrier and one party to pay. A “Door to Door” shipment with the rail is a natural fit for that system, because it is only one party to pay.

Secondly, using “Door to Door” simplifies the monitoring of authority and insurance requirements to one party.

Finally, “Door to Door” reduces complications in accessing intermodal equipment, as the railroads have access to empty equipment from loads moving into the area a shipper is looking to ship from.

In the next installment, we will discuss more of the benefits and drawbacks of using the railroad “Door to Door” products.


Check in on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month for more information on intermodal and how it can benefit you!


Training Tuesday:Confirming the Sale

Training Tuesday: How to Confirm the Sale

There’s no magic to confirming the sale.  Right from the initial approach to the very end of your presentation, bit by bit, you should be confirming the sale. Relatively early in the presentation I let the prospect know that I expect him or her to make a decision at the close of my presentation. I go with my instincts.  I close the sale when my customer lets me know it’s time.  Closing or confirming the sale is the most natural thing about selling.

You have to have complete confidence in your ability to close the sale, if not, the prospect becomes consumed with doubt.  The prospect can sense when it’s time for you to confirm the sale, and it’s up to you to ask for the order.  They knew you were a salesperson when they agreed to see you, and if you lack confidence to ask for their business, they’re going to lack confidence in making a decision.  Hesitation is as contagious as confidence.

Your sales presentation should be smooth.  The close should have a rhythmic flow that naturally blends in with your proposal so that the prospect is unaware of a precise moment when he can think, ‘Ah, now he’s putting pressure on me to buy.’ Pressure selling is outdated and counterproductive.

The longer a customer has to think it over, the lower the odds become that you’ll make the sale.  I go with the odds and always make a strong attempt to close the sale while eye to eye with the prospect.

Do not oversell!  Some salespeople enjoy a successful close so much that they want to hear it again – even if it re-opens the door to a “NO.”  When the customer says yes – you should SHUT UP!  The sales pitch is now over.  You and the customer are now business partners.  Learn to take YES for an answer.

Be a closer (confirmer).  Your main objective is to get new business.  At the end of the presentation, a real sales professional will confirm with their prospect that they’ve done a good job.  That confirmation will come in the form of a sale.


Check back next Tuesday for more tips on Selling SunteckTTS. The full playlist of videos can be found on our YouTube channel.


SunteckTTS rankstop ten in Transport Topics’ “Top Freight Brokerage Firms of 2017”

SunteckTTS, a leading provider of agent‐based, multi‐modal transportation solutions, was recently recognized as the 8th largest Brokerage Company in Transport Topics’ Top Freight Brokerage Firms of 2017.

The logistics provider rose in the rankings following the merger late last year between Sunteck and TTS.

“These two companies offer expanded operations, relationship and technology capabilities to our agents, carriers and customers and we are pleased to once again be included on Transport Topics’ annual rankings,” said Ken Forster, CEO of SunteckTTS.

SunteckTTS is one of the largest multimodal, agent-based freight management service providers in the U.S., approaching $1 billion in gross revenue, and managing more than 700,000 intermodal, truckload and less-than-truckload shipments annually.

The full list can be found here.



About SunteckTTS

With offices in Jacksonville, FL, and Frisco, TX, SunteckTTS combines two third-party providers of transportation and logistics management services to create one of the largest multimodal, agent-based freight management service providers in the United States. The company provides truckload brokerage services, direct rail and intermodal drayage, less-than-truckload, utilizing more than 30,000 carriers and a fleet of over 2,000 trucks. SunteckTTS agents service a wide range of markets including food, oil, automotive, electronics, textiles, lumber, paper/printing products and machinery across North America.


Training Tuesday:Overcoming Objections

If it weren’t for objections everybody would be in sales. Without objections there’d be no need for companies to pay big, fat commission checks. So, while none of us likes objections, we must accept them as part of the business and make sure we know how to overcome them.

Your main goal when faced with an objection is to turn the objection around into a reason to purchase our service. If a prospect raises the ever-popular “Your rates are too high” objection, counter it by saying, “Our prices accurately reflect the value you’ll be getting from Sunteck. And good value is important to you, isn’t it?”

Occasionally you’ll run into a prospect in the traffic or purchasing department who’s sure he’s seen everything there is to see regarding freight companies. In other words, he’s seen it all. You might hear, “Get right to the bottom line and show me your rates?” Generally, all this person really wants is attention, and to show you how much he knows about our industry. Recognize his expertise and give him all the attention he craves. This is always a better way to handle a tough customer than to put him down. With compliments and kindness you can eventually win him over, or at least wear him down.

“Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman, not the attitude of the prospect.”
– W. Clement Stone

People love to buy but hate to be sold. Objections are inevitable. Not only should you expect objections, I think you should welcome them. An objection is a positive part of the sales process. A purchasing VP who gives you an objection is listening closely. They’re considering buying your service to solve their transportation problems. And most importantly, their objection gives you an opportunity to answer the objection and add one more good reason why they should buy from you now.

Expect objections, but never create them. Prepare a list of the top ten objections your customers and prospects have had with all their motor carriers in the past and then prepare two or three appropriate responses to answer each one.

When faced with an objection, first restate the question or statement.

  • “The rates are too high?”
  • “You feel your service is too slow?”
  • “You’re worried about damage?”
  • “You wish we offered next day service to Cleveland?”

Give the prospect an opportunity to confirm your understanding of his objection, and hopefully your prospective client will give additional reasons for his or her objection.

Clarify the objection.

  • “I’m curious why you feel that way?”
  • “Could you be more specific, please?”
  • “Do you need more information?”

Remember this is not a contest. Nobody should win or lose. This should be a conversation where two people are answering questions and gathering information.

After you’ve re-stated the question, and clarified the objection, and you’re sure you understand the objection fully, then answer it. Don’t just handle your customer’s objections, instead answer them. Answer the objection head on, honestly, simply, and succinctly. Handle objections early and often. A direct approach to handling objection guarantees greater sales results.

The right questions at the beginning of your presentation can help prevent objections at the end of it. For example, ask questions to confirm that your prospect has the authority to make a decision by himself to make sure you don’t hear, “I need to talk to Mr. Anderson about this,” right before you’re ready to close.

Be careful about what you say when faced with an objection based on one of your competitor’s services. I handle a prospect’s question, “What makes you think your truckload service to Akron is better than XYZ Truckload Carriers?” by responding, “I’ve never been a customer of theirs. I can only tell you what our customers say about Sunteck’s excellent service to Akron. I can be very specific with you about what Sunteck’s services are like. Then it’s up to you Mr. Prospect, to make a comparison.”

If I’m told that another carrier is also presently under consideration and asked to give an opinion of them, I reply, “It’s a fine company. The key is for you to determine who can give you the greatest value. Who’s going to help your bottom line? And when you run into difficulties, who is going to be there to solve your problems? I am. I’m the person who’s going to provide all of that for you. Through me and my access to all of the resources within Sunteck, we’ll get the job done.”

If you worked for a company that offered objection-proof service, you’d have no competitors. Every transportation company in the country has a shortcoming or limitation. If your prospect finds it, don’t try to prove him wrong. The fact that our service isn’t perfect doesn’t lower its potential value to the prospect, but the fact that you acknowledged the objection’s validity might help you build trust and rapport. Admitting our service’s imperfection also helps give the prospect a sense of control that may reduce his fear of making a buying decision.

When possible, let prospects answer their own objections. Sometimes you can stop an objection in its tracks by asking, “Could you tell me why you feel that way?” If your prospect can’t answer, then you and the prospect know the objection has little or no validity. If your prospect does answer with a more specific objection, you have a chance to eliminate it and move one step closer to the close.

Buying decisions are risky for your prospects. Choosing the wrong carrier can be harmful to the prospect’s career. Objections are the only way they have to help make sure that risk will pay off for them. If you can eliminate those objections, you’ll help provide the reassurance they need to say yes.


Training Tuesday:Fact Finding

I’m a big advocate of consultative selling. But before I tell you how great I think the consultative sales approach is, I want to warn you of the negative impact this type of selling has had on some salespeople. Some sales reps visit a customer two or three times, ask them every question they can think of except the most important question of all – asking the customer to buy their service.

If on the second call you don’t ask for the shipper’s business, it then becomes a social visit and not a sales call. You can and should qualify the customer and re-visit their needs on a regular basis. If they’re qualified to buy and you don’t offer Sunteck’s help, then you’re doing them a disservice. On the other hand, if you keep calling on a customer who’s not qualified, you’re stealing time and money from yourself. Be sure after you’ve made a consultative sales call that you follow up by asking for their business.

Treat all your sales work as a consulting assignment. Consultative selling turns salespeople into experts and clients into partners. When you first meet the prospect take your “sell” sign down for the majority, if not all, of your first call.

The best salespeople are professional problem solvers. We’re in the business of solving transportation problems. But you have to know and understand the problem first before you try to solve it. You have to be willing to walk in the door without any preconceived notions as to how best to solve the problems identified.

Since you sell to other companies, you should consider yourself in the business of solving profitability problems. That’s the key concern you’ll ultimately be addressing: how to increase profitability. Everything you do should eventually lead to the goal of the clients’ company increasing its level of profitability. If you can’t break your sales efforts into solutions that help the customer, you’ll either base your sales on manipulating others or fail to persuade prospects that you’re offering anything of value.

On every sales call, be the student, because you really are. In real estate, they say it’s all in the location. In transportation sales it’s questions, questions, and more questions. You’ll be surprised and sometimes shocked at what a customer will tell you.

Not only is the consultative sales approach effective in finding the correct sales solutions, it’s also very helpful in eliminating people who are not potential customers, thus saving you time in the long run.

Even though it’s okay to call an initial visit with a customer a qualifying call, don’t only make the call to qualify. Make the call primarily to learn.

Sales listening is patient listening. Don’t anxiously wait for an opportunity to jump in and solve all the customer’s problems right away. After I ask a question I shut up and allow my prospect to speak. Sometimes I wait for several minutes. I don’t feel threatened by the silence. Most salespeople can’t stand a pause in the conversation. Take a deep breath, relax, and listen. Some prospects want to be listened to more than they want their problems solved. If a client or prospective client has had a bad day, let them talk about it. Don’t try to stop them. Once they lighten themselves of their burdens they can better concentrate on Sunteck’s services.

Everyone is so busy that asking for someone’s time is a big request. A prospect that agrees over the phone to give you a ten-minute appointment will give you an hour in person once you establish value. One of the best ways to establish value is to show that they are important and that you recognize that fact. People love to talk about themselves, their jobs, and their companies. Encourage them to do so.

“Pretend that everyone you meet has a sign around their neck that says MAKE ME FEEL IMPORTANT. Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.”
– Mary Kay Ash

Transportation salespeople who have been in our industry for a long time should re-visit how they qualify and maintain accounts. It’s easy to start believing that you possess all the answers. Too often we make assumptions based on outdated information. Visit accounts often and ask questions. You never know what changes might have taken place since your last call until you ask.

Take notes! Taking notes during your meeting with the prospect can be one of your most powerful sales tools. It will reinforce the reason you made the appointment in the first place: to learn more about the prospect and his company’s transportation needs.

Taking notes helps you listen. There’s something about holding an empty notepad in front of you that makes you pay better attention to what is being said. It also makes it more difficult to miss important points.

Taking notes puts you in a position of authority. You can also glance at notes and questions you prepared prior to making the sales call. Taking notes will also encourage the prospect to open up. Taking notes sends strong positive signals to the prospect. It says, “I’m listening to you. I won’t forget. I’ll use the information you’re giving me to find solutions when I get back to my office.”

It’s a fine line between asking questions that will help the prospect solve their transportation problems, and a cross-examination. Be sure your prospect feels at ease. Be natural. The consultative sale should be a comfortable two-way conversation.

Never waste the prospect’s time. That may seem like an obvious point, but many of your competitors never know when to get to business, or for that matter, even when the appointment is over. There will come a point when the customer will be ready to move past the small talk, and usually it’s quicker than you might think. Your contact, like most of us these days, is short on time. Most traffic managers, purchasing managers, and other decision-makers you call on appreciate you getting to the point. You can tactfully do this without jeopardizing the emerging relationship.

First, give the prospect a reason he or she should answer your questions. Second, make sure everyone involved in the decision making process is present if at all possible.

Salesperson: “We currently work with General Motors, ASW Technologies, and (use your own local examples of similar companies) in several areas to improve their service while reducing their costs! I feel there’s a good chance we can do the same thing for you, but I’m not sure yet. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?”

The prospect expects to answer questions and they’ll give you their permission to proceed.

Salesperson: “At most of the companies I’ve mentioned more than one person was involved in carrier selection. Are there any other people here that would be involved in this decision?” (If NO, proceed on. If YES, obtain their names and ask if they could also be present). Next, move on to your questions.

The following list will provide you with good examples of questions that you can adapt to your sales presentation. Know the questions you’re going to ask before you arrive at the customer’s desk. The list below is provided to stimulate ideas that will help you customize your own list. The information you collect from the customer’s answers will increase your chances of putting together a great proposal after you’ve made the consultative sales call.

1. What does your company do? Manufacturing? Distribution?

2. What do you ship? In what quantities? Expedited? Air? Truckload? LTL? Intermodal?

3. What commodities do you ship?

4. Where do you ship? Intrastate? Interstate?

5. What are some of the cities you ship to?

6. How often?

7. What service level is required? To where?

8. How is your product packaged? Skidded? Banded? Loose?

9. Average weight?

10. What is the normal pick-up time? What unusual pick-up requirements do you require?

11. Are your shipments normally prepaid? Collect? If so, what percentage?

12. What are your average monthly freight transportation costs?

13. Who’s handling these shipments now?

14. How long have you used them?

15. Do you have any vendors that you receive products from on a regular basis?

16. Who chooses the carrier that handles those shipments?

17. Where are those vendors located?

18. What commodities are they?

19. What is the frequency of those shipments?

20. Who’s handling those shipments now?

21. How long have you used them?

22. What percentage of shipments is routed by your customers?

23. How do you feel about your current service?

24. How do you feel about your current pricing?

25. What would you like to change about your current carrier’s pricing?

26. What is most important to you: service, carrier stability, technology, or something else?

27. Why?

28. How do you rate carriers? How is the rating communicated to the carrier? How often?

29. What are the ratings of the carriers you use today?

30. If you could change one thing overall about your current logistics provider, what would it be?

31. Does this problem lead to… (Build up problem with multiple implications / need pay-off questions)?

32. Would you change anything else?

33. What would cause you to begin using a different 3PL or carrier?

34. What is the volume of your cargo claims? Do you experience any frequent service failures?

35. Would you be interested in our EDI capability?


Last, but not least, be sure to wrap up the appointment by asking for the next appointment, and by getting a positive response on a trial close. It should sound like this:

Salesperson: “Mr. Smith, I’ve learned a lot here today, and I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me. We’re at the point now where we should set up another appointment, one where I can come back after having sorted through everything I’ve learned here, and show you more about what Sunteck may be able to do for your company. Is Thursday at 2PM okay?”

Prospect: “Sure, next Thursday at 2PM will be just fine.”

Salesperson: “Great! One last question ( pause ) if you like the program I develop for you, would you be willing to give us a try?”


Salesperson: “I really appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions. Based on what I just learned, I’m confident there’s a fit between our companies and that we can definitely help you solve some of your shipping problems. I’m going to make a commitment to you to develop a customized proposal, which will include my recommendations to you and your company. What I’d like in return from you is a commitment to give us a shot. Let us prove how good we are. I’m confident you’ll be very happy! Can I get that kind of commitment from you?

“Great! I’ll need about a week to get with my team back at the office and develop a package just for you. Is this time next week good for you?”

Both of these approaches let the prospect know that when you come back for your second appointment, your sale sign will go up. It prepares them to say “yes” when you come back later and ask them to buy.

We’ve focused so much of our respective sales energies on the consultative approach that very little emphasis is placed on the sales presentation. I think this is a huge mistake. In the old days, many salespeople could care less about what the customer wanted or needed; all their energy was on the presentation. Nowadays some people in transportation have no definable presentation at all. They just go back to the customer and answer any questions or shipping requirements that surfaced in the qualifying call. I think both are hugely important—the consultative call and the presentation. Give your customer a dynamic sales presentation. He deserves it. It will make you stand out from the other freight reps.