Sales andSilence

Often the most important part of your sales pitch is when you are completely silent.  We often rush through all the great benefits of why a customer would buy, without really listening to them tell us what they need… why they might buy from us.  Most people hate mimes.  Why do they exist?  Are they evil?  If a tree falls on a mime does he make a sound?  But, silence is the one important sales attribute that mimes demonstrate in abundance.  So, on your next sales call, be a mime, at least for part of the call.  It just may turn out to be the most important piece of the sales puzzle.

Why is it that so many salespeople think they must tell everything they know before allowing the prospect to talk?  Why is it that some think the sales process involves a lot of talking when, in reality, the most successful salespeople do more listening than talking?  It’s a fact that the more we listen, the more we can learn about our prospects and the easier we can find their “hot buttons.”  It’s not what we say that makes the sale, it’s what we can get the prospect to say.

Begin With Questions

Think about how many times you launch right into your presentation thinking you know what the prospect wants.  Sometime later, often too much later, you find you’re on the wrong track.  The prospect has an entirely different need – one you might have uncovered by asking open-ended questions that required more than a yes or no response.  Then you could have focused on what the customer wanted instead of what you had to sell.  Stop thinking so much about what you are going to say and concentrate on what the prospect is telling you.

It’s a paradox:  The more we try to tell the prospect up front, the more barriers we create to the purchase.  The more we listen to why he or she wants to buy, the more we can tailor our delivery to providing very specific information concerning how our product or service fits his or her needs.

Ask More Questions

The opening question is merely the first in a series of questions that guide the dialogue.  It’s an approach as old as the art of miming.  If we want to involve someone – the first step in convincing that person – every comment we make should end with a question that solicits more information.  The person who asks questions is the person who controls the direction of the dialogue.  The one who is talking is providing information that helps the other adjust the direction.

After you ask a question, however, don’t be too anxious to fill the silence.  Let the silence work in your favor.  Too often we answer the question for the prospect by jumping in and providing him with an objection:  “Perhaps you don’t like the price,” or, “Maybe you don’t like the resources it would involve.”  Beware of the very real temptation to fill in the silence with a product weakness – the one we are most worried about.

Don’t Rush In With Answers

Salespeople have a terrible tendency to try to get their point in as soon as the customer stops talking.  Think about how often you find yourself stepping on your prospect’s last words, rushing in right after the prospect has finished making a point.

Salespeople can break themselves of this self-defeating habit by training themselves to wait several seconds after the customer has stopped talking before they begin.  That gives you ample time to think about your response and answer in a way that reflects the customer’s concerns.

Get in the habit of paraphrasing what the prospect has said.  This will accomplish two things.  One, it reduces the likelihood of misunderstanding what was said, and two, it boosts the prospect’s ego.  People like to hear their thoughts repeated – it makes them feel like what they said was important.

Learn to Listen

You have had a bad sales experience when you have done all of the talking.  We were born with two ears and only one mouth for a reason!  But don’t listen with just with your ears.  Listen with your eyes and your entire body.  Use body language that shows you are paying more attention, and your listening habits will automatically improve.  Lean forward intently, look the prospect in the eye, and focus on the valuable information you are hearing.

And finally, listen for buying signals.  You’ll never remember a buying signal from the customer when you’re doing the talking.  Sure, we want to talk so the prospect will learn how smart we are.  But the prospect only really knows how smart we are when we’ve “listened” to the information he or she wants to share.


-Dave Dallas


The FoundArt of writing Thank You notes

It may seem boring at the time, maybe it seems like too much trouble, or maybe we’ve simply lost practice in today’s email and text driven age, but your Mom was right – writing a thank you card is the right thing to do.  I think it’s interesting to note that recent scientific findings link gratitude to increased optimism, stress reduction, and a better night’s sleep.  Few who sit down to write a short note of thanks are aware that by doing so they are not only making someone else’s day, but they are improving their odds of becoming happier and less stressed.

A text message or email can’t compete with a hand written card or letter for the simple reason that conveying real emotion in digital formats doesn’t work.  Somehow a sea of exclamation points, shouting in ALL CAPS, loaded acronyms and cute little emoticons can’t come close to delivering a heartfelt message scratched out by hand onto a scrap of paper.

It’s funny to me, but nothing I do or say, no amount of work I do, no matter how many long hours I put in, and regardless of all my good intentions, there’s nothing I do regularly that receives the same glowing and positive response as when I take the time to write someone a hand written card or letter.  Maybe it’s to say ‘thanks for your business’, it could simply be to tell someone ‘I appreciate your hard work and dedication’, or even simply ‘I was thinking of you today’.  People receive so few handwritten notes that receiving one is almost as rare as spotting a unicorn in an open field on your drive in to work.  Don’t laugh……I think I saw two unicorns on my drive in this morning (of course, I guess they could have been deer).

Many famous people send hand written notes and cards.  Jimmy Fallon (talk show host), Anna Wintour (Vogue editor), Ralph Lauren (clothing designer), to name a few.  I’m a card and letter writer too.  Telling someone thanks is the right thing to do.  And, it really does make you feel pretty good when you do it.  Start small.  Give it a try – write a couple of cards this week.  It will make at least two people happy – the person you send it to, and not least of all – you.

-Dave Dallas


Make sureyour prospects really keep you in mind

For some reason you’re not having success on a sales call.  So, because you think there’s nothing left to do, or because you want to get off the call quickly and painlessly, you simply blurt out:

“Well, please keep us in mind if you ever need any help.”

“Here’s my number, just in case.”

“How about I give you a call in a couple of months to see if anything has changed?”

When I’m the customer, I typically say, “Sure, I’ll keep you in mind”.  I then hang up, and immediately forget that the call ever took place.

The truth is, that customer has no intention of “keeping you in mind”, or “giving you a call if something changes”.  When these ‘bad calls’ happen, there are better ways to wrap them up.

  1. Make a determination if there is any real potential with this particular customer

Clinging to a prospect where there is no real opportunity is a time and money waster.  On the other hand, letting a prospect go when there really is potential is a big mistake too.  You must find out for sure.  Ask something like, “Kim, under what circumstances would you consider switching to another service provider?”  Pay particular attention to that wording.  It’s a question that not only asks if they would ever use someone else, but it also asks for the circumstances that would make this a possibility.  For example, I’ve heard of prospects responding, “I guess if I ever got into an emergency situation and my current provider couldn’t deliver, I’d have to know what my options were elsewhere.”  That gives you the opportunity to take that remark and continue asking questions.

  1. Make sure that you give them something to think about

“Keep us in mind” is a worthless statement.  It’s a waste of words.  If you truly want someone to keep you in mind, you have to give them a reason.  And, that reason usually means matching it into a problem they may experience….a problem that you could solve.  That may prompt them to not only think of you, but to actually give you a call.

What if you know that you can provide your customer with the same or better service they’re currently getting, but you feel sure that you can provide more frequent updates and information that they have said they want and need, and you’re sure that what you offer is better than what they’re getting?  But the prospect hasn’t seen it demonstrated, or doesn’t believe it.  You should end the call with, “I still feel sure that I can help you.  Here’s something to consider: please take the time to review the shipment information and updates you receive from your current provider.  If you feel that you simply aren’t getting enough information, and you’re not getting it when you need it, keep in mind that it’s one of the benefits you’d get from working with me and my company.  Timely updates is one of the benefits we’re known for.  I’ll send you my card to keep on file when you feel you need my help”.

Do your best to never make a liar out of your customer.  Don’t make them say – “Sure, I’ll keep you in mind”, or “Yes, I’d like you to call me back in a couple of months (so you can waste my time again)”.  Determine if there will ever be potential with them.  Give the prospect examples of situations to be on the look-out for when you could help, and make sure that they associate you with that solution.  Then, when they do experience those problems, there’s a greater chance that they’ll think of you.


What theDoctor Ordered

For over 35 years I’ve worked with some of the very best sales people around.  Without exception, there’s one thing that they all do.  Oftentimes, it seems like they know more about their customers’ business than their customers do.  They learn from all their customers, and that experience and knowledge gives them a head start when talking with a new or different customer.  They’re able to take their experience with one customer and then build on that experience with the next.

One saleswoman who I worked with in Indiana comes immediately to mind.  When prospects would ask her to tell them about our service, she wouldn’t.  Instead, she would reply that she was very proud of our service and would be happy to explain it in greater detail – but first, she’d request permission to ask a few more questions on just what her prospects were looking to accomplish by using our service.  Were they looking to cut costs?  Were they hoping to get better service?  Did they have needs that weren’t being filled by their current provider?  Was their current service provider difficult to use, or difficult to contact or communicate with?  For every response from her prospects, Julie would have an example of how others have looked to her to solve similar problems.  And then, she would ask more specific questions.

Julie would supply just enough information on each exchange to earn the right to ask the next question.  Eventually, she would recommend a course of action that was specifically tailored to what the customer was hoping to accomplish.  She didn’t close every sales call, but she did give every prospective customer a forum to explain exactly what they were looking for, and she got almost all of them to give her enough information to determine if our service was a good fit, not just for the customer, but for our company as well.  I heard a great quote that best describes Julie’s method, it was about a doctor – the quote is “Don’t prescribe medicine until you’re sure what all the symptoms are.”  Take a page out of Julie’s book.  Be sure to diagnose all your customer’s symptoms before offering your prescription.

-Dave Dallas


How willyou remember 2015?

2015, freight, transportation

How will you remember 2015? Not everyone is looking back fondly. In a December 25th article, THE WEEK magazine reported some pretty disappointing survey results. Here are a few of them:

  • 69% of Americans believe that the nation is on the wrong track
  • 72% feel that the country isn’t as great as it once was (Bloomberg Politics)
  • 59% stated that the economy is doing poorly (CNN/ORC)
  • And, 61% believe that the American Dream is broken and that only the wealthiest can get ahead

Face it, the loudest voices you hear are typically the pessimists, and there’s no shortage of them. There’s nothing wrong with being realistic, but there’s a difference between being realistic and being pessimistic. I prefer to look on the bright side of things, especially as it pertains to our business in the coming year. And, I’m not the only one. On December 3rd, BB&T Capital Markets published a report titled ‘Freight Brokers Can Take Advantage of Weak Economy’. Here are some highlights from their report:

“We are a little mystified why there is not greater enthusiasm for freight brokers. Brokers do well during periods of loose capacity or tight capacity, i.e., when the market has volatility”

“We believe larger brokers have opportunities to gain market share the next few years in ways that not everyone appreciates”

“As regulations the next two years (ELDs, speed limiters, etc.) make asset carriers less productive, many will experience cash flow problems and will rely on “quick pay” programs that larger brokers offer, but many small and mid-sized brokers do not have the balance sheets to pay carriers in 7 days or 48 hours, etc., while waiting for shippers to pay in 30 to 60 days”

Freight brokers, when aligned with the right back office service provider, are positioned for growth for the foreseeable future. Don’t give in to the naysayers. Focus on what you do best. Continue to invest in your business. Embrace change and technology, and stay positive and confident.
Anyone can take the pessimistic view – one other survey result from THE WEEK found that 44% of respondents think machines with artificial intelligence could wipe out the human race (Monmouth University Poll). Okay, I’ve seen the Terminator movies – that may happen……..but probably not until 2018.

Happy New Year to you and to your computer (I can’t take any chances. Your laptop could be my next boss).

Dave Dallas


The Beautyof America

Today’s post was written by one of Sunteck’s fabulous Agent Response Coordinators, Erika Lippincott!

As we approach the 4th of July we reflect on the beauty of our country.

I am an American and proud of it. I am proud of the people who fought and still fight for our country. I can still see all the beauty this country has to offer.

I have traveled across our great nation and met some amazing people. We left the beaches on the east coast, drove through the open fields in the Midwest and settled in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest.

One of the people that we met along the way was a generous truck driver who offered us a much needed strap. We stopped to purchase one, the driver saw my husband had one in his hand and said he had a new one he could give us. We talk about the miles ahead of us and his oversized load. We got back in our truck with a renewed spirit and hit the open road.

Thank you for the random acts of kindness.


Sunteck lovespets: Safety Tips

Happy National Bring Your Dog to Work Day!
We here at Sunteck LOVE pets! We are a huge proponent of trucking with pets, not only do pets decrease stress, and promote good health but they makes those long hauls not quite so long.
Unfortunately those long hauls can sometimes go through deserted areas. What if Fido gets sick? Or needs some first aid? Sunteck would like you to know what items to include in your first aid kit while trucking with your pet.
According to the Humane Society of the United States, the easiest and most cost effective way to start a pet first aid kit is to purchase a human first aid kit and add pet specific items. This way your kit can do double duty for you and your pet, not only saving you money, but space as well.
Some pet-specific items to include are as follows;
• Pet first-aid book – to guide you through unfamiliar pet first aid situations
• Phone numbers – to your vet and the poison control center (ASPCA poison-control center 1-800-426-4435)
• Paperwork – Keep your pet’s medical and vaccination history, and medication list in a zip lock baggy. Also keep a current photo of your pet in the event he or she gets lost.
• Extra Leash – In the event you lose yours, it becomes damaged etc.
• Vet-wrap – bandage that stretches and sticks to itself rather than fur (you can find it at most pet supply stores across the United States such as Petco, Petsmart or Petsupermarket)
• Unflavored Pedialyte – great for dehydration in dogs and cats, helps restore electrolytes quickly
• Muzzle or strips of cloth (don’t use if your pet is vomiting, chocking, or coughing or having difficulty breathing) – great to keep your injured pet from biting you out of fear or pain
• Benadryl – (get correct dosage from your vet) great for allergic reactions and hot spots in pets
• Hyrdogen Peroxide – to Induce vomiting (only when directed by Vet or poison-control center) Do not use Ipecac, it is toxic to pet
• Qwick-stop / Styptic powder – used to stop bleeding, especially if you trim your pet’s nails too short (you can find it at most pet supply stores across the United States such as Petco, Petsmart or Petsupermarket)
• Canned Pumpkin – (not pumpkin pie mix) Great for constipation and diarrhea in pets, talk to your vet about how much you should feed your pet
These are just a few of the items that make trucking with your pet easier in the event an emergency arises. We hope that you found this list helpful. As always if you are not sure about something talk to your vet.

If you truck with your pet we would love to see a photo! Like I said, Sunteck LOVES pets. Tag us with the hashtag #suntecklovespets on Facebook or Twitter and let us know so we can “oooh” and “aaaah” over your furry side-kick! Stay safe and enjoy time with your pet!


Happy Father’sDay!

Today’s blog is written by one of our Agent Response Coordinators, Erika Lippincott

Happy Father’s Day for those traveling Dads. Father’s Day reminds us of the special men in our lives, those who helped us become the people we are today.

I would like to like to take a moment to say a special Happy Father’s Day to the dads who travel. It’s a different dynamic when you don’t get to tuck the kids in every night or make it to the big game. It doesn’t mean that you love the kids any less than the stay at home dads.

My dad traveled my whole life, he provided for my mom, brother and me. But he also encouraged me to dream about far-a-way places. And to meet colorful characters, to realize that just because someone looks different or lives in a different house than mine doesn’t mean that they are any less of a person.

Dads that travel understand people from different walks of life and are able to explain love and compassion to their children that some parents are not able to convey.

So for all those dads on the road, do not think your work goes un-noticed. We thank you!


Safety Tips:Inspecting Your Equipment Q&A

How many kinds of inspections are there?

  • There are 3 types of vehicle inspections
  • Pre-trips … done every working day before you start driving
  • On the road inspection or in route
  • After the first 50 miles
  • Whenever a change in duty status is made
  • And every 150 miles or 3 hours
  • Post trip inspection (this is the one you must document on you Driver Vehicle Inspection Report or the DVIR)

What is the point of all these inspections?

  • The driver must be satisfied that the vehicle is in a safe operating condition & meets all safety requirements
  • If the vehicle doesn’t meet DOT safety requirement, don’t drive it. Get It Fixed First.

Tips for doing a good inspection as quickly as possible

  • First start at the same place every time you do an inspection. The driver’s door for instance.
  • Work your way around the truck in the same direction every time
  • Always check under the hood …

What should be checked under the hood?

  • Fluids like coolant, and washer fluid
  • Belt and hoses for signs of wear
  • Nuts and bolts for rust leaking out

How do you keep from missing something?

  • Always check everything … it’s the thing you skip that will cause breakdowns and delays.
  • If you check everything, every time, you will be alert to little problems before they cost you time, money and violations. Your eyes will begin to catch things that have changed.

What about tires, what are you looking for?

  • Check tire tread depth at the lowest spot … that’s where the DOT will check it
  • Tires with cuts or exposed cord material are an out of service violation and must be replaced on the side of the road at a very high price
  • You only need a penny to check the tread depth on your tires the distance between the edge of a penny and the top of Abraham Lincoln’s head is 2/32” the minimum tread depth for drive tires. Steer tires are 4/32”.
  • Don’t forget the wheels… if they have dirt and oil in them, there is a seal leaking and it needs to be fixed. If you feel heat coming from the hub (careful not to touch, they can be very hot) you may have a bad bearing or it may be low on hub oil.

There are a lot of lights on a truck … if one or two are out is that ok?

  • Be sure all lights work… If it’s on the truck it must work, even if it is a light you added that is not required.
  • A single light out on the truck give the DOT a reason to pull you over and look at everything.
  • Check your low beam and high beam headlights
  • Check your lights every time you stop… they can burn out during the trip

Are drivers responsible for the lights on a chassis?

  • Yes… you are responsible for the lights on the trailer or chassis, be sure they are working before you leave and check them whenever you stop. If they don’t work fix them.

What else should we look for on a trailer or chassis?

  • Check the sliders on both trailer and chassis and the locking pins on chassis
  • If you don’t bend over and look you don’t know if the slider’s pins are locked in the holes.

Is it possible wheels could come out from under the trailer?

  • Yes the wheels can come all the way out from under the trailer or chassis…
  • If you use zip ties to secure the locking pins on the 4 corners of the container you can be sure they stay locked and an added benefit is the DOT will see the zip tie and leave you alone.

What else should we check on the truck and trailer?

  • The DOT is looking at brakes very closely…it is important that drivers check them on every trip.

Any tips on checking breaks?

  • Check your brakes using your eyes, ears and nose.
  • Using your eyes … are the brake pads at least 1/4” in thickness? Are the brake drums cracked or grease? Do the push rods travel more than 2 ½ inches? If the answer is yes to any of these questions you could be placed out of service and in for an expensive roadside repair.
  • Use your ears… air up the brakes and listen for air leaks if you can hear it the DOT inspector will be able to hear it too.
  • Use your nose… if you smell a burning smell it could be oil or grease dripping on your hot brake shoes; this could be a warning of a leaking wheel seal.

ABS Malfunction Indicator

  • There are two Antilock Braking System malfunction indicator lights, one on the dash for the truck and one on the lower left rear corner of the trailer.

Should the lights be on or off?

  • These lights should come on when you start your truck and go off when the truck starts moving. If they don’t go off you have a problem with the ABS system on your truck which needs to be fixed before you continue your trip. If the ABS light on the lower left rear corner of the trailer is on … it is like having a sign on the truck that says,”Pull me over I have violations”
  • Remember the ABS lights should come on when you start your truck and go off when you start moving.
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Windshield wiper
  • Horn
  • Emergency triangles … you should have 3
  • Is the floor neat and clean, so nothing that can get under your feet
  • Is the dash clear of item that could slide off and distract you
  • Is your truck clean… a clean truck is a happy truck and it is not inspected as often by the DOT


We are beyond thrilled to reveal our updated site and we hope you like the result. We will constantly be improving our site over time; in the meantime, here are some early updates we think you will love:

Use it everywhere
Our world has changed dramatically over the last decade, largely driven by technology advancements. Here at Sunteck, we strive to keep at the forefront of this growing momentum. Our new website was created to be universally accessible, on as many platforms and devices as possible. It’s important for us that our busy audience can view the information they need, whenever they need it – especially on the go.

This is for you
We invest a lot into our proprietary technology systems and our website now showcases our commitment to bringing the best information to you using the latest technology. The site layout, language and content were all major decisions in our site road map. However, our #1 priority has always been to focus on you. We have worked hard to make every section of our site easier to navigate so you can quickly find the information you’re looking for when you want it.

Please take some time to explore our new site. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.


Dave Dallas
Chief Marketing Officer
President, Brokerage Division