Your job is to help your customer become more profitable by delivering their products to their customers on time, undamaged and for a price that is compatible with the level of service provided. You’re not selling space on a truck. You’re moving America and the world. You’re helping Sunteck’s customers by increasing their ability
Value AddedSales
There are more and more salespeople who have adopted a value-added approach to sales as a means to differentiate themselves from competitors, but few of them put a real dollar value on the value-added benefits and services they provide. Don’t forget, all benefits are claims, which means they are largely intangible and often difficult for
The SuperBowl of Success
This week there will be a lot of talk about winners and losers. There’s not always a tremendous amount of difference between the two, especially in a game like the Super Bowl. Both teams have a string of victories, the Broncos and Panthers have made many right decisions, they’ve taken chances that other teams haven’t,
An unhappycustomer may sink your success
One unhappy customer may not seem like much, but when one customer shares a complaint, it represents the tip of an iceberg. According to a Washington, D.C. consulting group that conducts customer satisfaction surveys, every customer who complains is speaking for many others who feel the same way but they don’t make the time to
There ISsuch a thing as a dumb question…
Asking good questions can make the difference between making a bad sales call and engaging the prospect in a worthwhile conversation. Here are some important tips to remember: Use ‘assumptive problem’ open-ended questions Instead of saying, “Do you have any problems with moving your product now?” say, “How are you handling problems that occur while
Sales andSilence
Often the most important part of your sales pitch is when you are completely silent. We often rush through all the great benefits of why a customer would buy, without really listening to them tell us what they need… why they might buy from us. Most people hate mimes. Why do they exist? Are they
The FoundArt of writing Thank You notes
It may seem boring at the time, maybe it seems like too much trouble, or maybe we’ve simply lost practice in today’s email and text driven age, but your Mom was right – writing a thank you card is the right thing to do. I think it’s interesting to note that recent scientific findings link
Make sureyour prospects really keep you in mind
For some reason you’re not having success on a sales call. So, because you think there’s nothing left to do, or because you want to get off the call quickly and painlessly, you simply blurt out: “Well, please keep us in mind if you ever need any help.” “Here’s my number, just in case.” “How
What theDoctor Ordered
For over 35 years I’ve worked with some of the very best sales people around. Without exception, there’s one thing that they all do. Oftentimes, it seems like they know more about their customers’ business than their customers do. They learn from all their customers, and that experience and knowledge gives them a head start
How willyou remember 2015?
How will you remember 2015? Not everyone is looking back fondly. In a December 25th article, THE WEEK magazine reported some pretty disappointing survey results. Here are a few of them: 69% of Americans believe that the nation is on the wrong track 72% feel that the country isn’t as great as it once was