SunteckTTS AnnouncesKey Employee Promotions

September 16, 2019 – Jacksonville, Fla. – SunteckTTS, a leading provider of agent‐based, multi‐modal transportation solutions, recently promoted two key employees. Justin Israelite has been promoted to Vice President of Corporate Operations, and Robert Jernigan has been promoted to Vice President of Agent Operations.

“Justin has played a key role in helping drive SunteckTTS’ record growth and position the company as a market leader in servicing large enterprise shippers,” said Dave Dallas, CMO and President of Brokerage at SunteckTTS. “He brings 15 years of leadership skills and transportation knowledge that will help drive company growth in the future.”

Prior to being named VP of Corporate Operations, Israelite started with TTS in March of 2014 as General Manager. Earlier in his career, he held a variety of positions at CH Robinson.

As VP of Corporate Operations, Justin Israelite is responsible for corporate freight operations, as well as future development initiatives. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, and during his years with SunteckTTS, Israelite has already achieved great things and helped to grow the company’s corporate freight operations. The role is based in the SunteckTTS satellite office in Stratham, New Hampshire.

“I am excited to be promoted to VP Corporate Operations ,” said Israelite. “I look forward to building on our current success by providing the best solutions for our customers, building strong carrier partnerships and making SunteckTTS the best place to call home for employees and agents alike.”

Robert Jernigan joined SunteckTTS as Director of Business Development and Agent Operations in May of 2016. As VP of Agent Operations, Jernigan will be responsible for managing all aspects of corporate support of brokerage agent operations and sales, and future brokerage development initiatives. Robert brings over 20 years of transportation industry experience to his new role. The position is based at the SunteckTTS Corporate headquarters in Jacksonville, FL.

“Robert has made strong improvements in processes and execution in our Brokerage division and has been an instrumental member of the team to help grow Brokerage by record numbers,” said Dave Dallas, CMO and President of Brokerage at SunteckTTS. “His work ethic has proven to foster strong freight agent partnerships.”

“I am proud to be a part of one of the most rapidly growing companies in the industry. Our network of agents are the driving force behind that growth,” said Jernigan. “In my newly expanded role, I look forward to supporting and impacting our agent family by driving initiatives and strategies that allow them to be more effective and efficient.   

“Justin and Robert have both been incredible assets to SunteckTTS in their current roles, helping drive record growth, and I know they will continue to make great strides in their new positions,” said Ken Forster, CEO at SunteckTTS.


LTL 101:Volume vs Standard Loads

We have great rate engines in place to obtain quotes on standard LTL moves, but do you know when not to use a rate engine?  LTL carriers will impose limits within their tariffs (that vary with every carrier) to limit moving shipments that are too large for their network. Some carriers structure their operations to carry volume LTL shipments while others do not. Volume quotes, also known as Spot quotes, should be obtained based on the below in order for you to get the most economical rate.  

Single shipments with standard size pallets (48x40x48) that are stackable:

  • 1 – 8 pallets is best for standard LTL quotes (unless the weight exceeds 8,000 lbs., then pursue a volume LTL quote)
  • 9 – 10 pallets pursue a volume LTL quote or a partial TL quote
  • 11+ pallets pursue a volume LTL, partial TL, or even a TL quote 

LTL carriers will rate any single shipment up to 19,999 lbs. as LTL but it will be costly:

  • 8,000 – 10,000 lbs. shipments could be considered as partial TL’s and quoted accordingly
  • Excess of 10,000 lbs. shipments should always be quoted with volume LTL, partial TL, and TL to obtain the most economical rate

Odd size or non-stackable pallets:

  • 1 – 4 pallets is best for LTL (unless the weight exceeds 8,000 lbs., then pursue a volume LTL quote)
  • 5 – 10 pallets, pursue a volume LTL or a partial TL quote
  • 11+ pallets should always be quoted with volume LTL, partial TL, and TL to obtain the most economical rate

Training Tuesday:Improving First Impressions

The initial approach to a prospect is the most crucial part of the sales presentation. All the selling skills in the world won’t matter if you don’t get your foot in the door. If you don’t handle the situation correctly, the first impression can be the only impression!

Up front, state your name, the company you represent and the services you’re there to sell. Try not to beat around the bush – make a strong statement like, “I’d like to share an idea with you. I’m in the transportation business. I’m assuming that you’re always looking for ideas that will help your company ship or receive goods in a way that will make your company more efficient, more service driven, and more profitable. I’d like to run some ideas by you.”

This statement is a big attention-getter and opens the door. It creates immediate interest. Of course, you then have to substantiate your statement with an excellent sales presentation.

Early in your initial meeting be sure to mention the names of several of your satisfied customers. This is done to establish credibility. It lets the prospect know that your solutions have benefited leading logistic decision-makers that came to the well-informed decision to trust you and your ideas. Make it a point to discuss other customers in their industry who are working in similar environments. When you speak about familiar customers who have found the solutions to similar shipping problems through your services, you’ll get the prospect’s immediate attention.

If you know beforehand that the prospect knows little about your company and nothing about yourself, it can pay off to send a short bio-sketch and a few magazine and newspaper articles that have featured your company. Providing something tangible to the prospect can add a new dimension to the relationship.

There are too many freight sales reps in the U.S. today to even come up with an accurate number. I think it’s important for your prospect to know about your qualifications. Tell the prospect about yourself. No grandstanding or patting yourself on the back, just an informative look at your career and the customers you’ve helped. It lets the prospect know that he’s dealing with a professional. It tells him that he’s not dealing with the run-of-the-mill freight rep. In the transportation business there are two kinds of sales people: those who add value to the client’s traffic department, and those who seem to mishandle every shipment or transaction their company is involved with (late, damaged, billed incorrectly, etc.). Let the customer know early on that you fall into the first category.

Of course, when the moment of truth arrives, you’ll have to find the best way to make a good first impression. Take into consideration the particular dynamics of your prospect’s age, position, and gender in comparison with your own. Accommodate and welcome the differences.

Every prospect will react differently to what you have to say. Some prospects will give you all the time in the world, while others believe making time for a ten minute meeting threatens a crisis. Some are skeptical, while others are freethinkers who pride themselves on being open to new ideas. The point is you can’t win everyone over with a single script designed to handle the first few minutes.

Usually there is an advantage to begin an exchange by focusing on your own observations and experiences. Doing so takes some of the pressure off of the prospect, who’ll be expecting you to try to “draw him out.”

You can always find something that will serve as a positive conversational starting point that has to do with the way your prospect has chosen to decorate his or her surroundings. It may sound corny, but it’s a fact, people say a lot about themselves in the way they decorate their offices.

First impressions are lasting impressions. By using the advice in this chapter you‘ll put the customer at ease and give them confidence in your ability to handle their demanding logistic needs. In the process, you’ll develop a lot of new customers and lasting friendships.

“The better your relationships the shorter your sales cycle and the more money you will make.”


LTL 101:Limited Access and Price

Limited access charges were created to compensate LTL carriers for additional time spent at your shipment’s pick up or delivery locations and constraints that can result from these specific locations. Limited access is defined as meeting any of the following conditions:

  • Not open to the walk-in public during normal business hours
  • Not having personnel readily available to assist with the delivery or pickup function
  • Not having access to loading dock or platform
  • Sites where carriers are delayed with security related inspections and processes prior to freight tender

Did you know: Some of these high security locations will ask for a driver’s license and drivers have the right to refuse to do so? This causes the carrier to find a driver who is willing to do so, which in turn causes a domino effect or constraint on the daily operations of that particular terminal.   

In order to avoid unexpected charges it is best practice to ask the consignee if they have a dock or way to unload the freight and ask them if they need a liftgate for delivery. Liftgates are commonly associated with limited access and if the consignee advises they don’t need a liftgate let them know that if the driver offers a liftgate and it is used or it is signed for even though it was not used there will be an additional fee that will be charged to them.

Limited access fees can be assessed on both commercial and non-commercial delivery sites. Charges and what constitutes as a limited access will vary based on carrier, but here are some of the most common examples:

  • Camps, Carnivals, Fairs, Amusement Parks
  • Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, Temples, Convents
  • Schools (not including colleges and universities), Day-cares
  • Colleges and Universities without a dock
  • Medical/Urgent care sites without a dock
  • Prisons, Courthouses
  • Individual/ Mini Storage Units
  • Mines, Quarries, Natural Gas or Oil Fields
  • Golf Courses, Country Clubs
  • Nuclear Power Plants
  • Military Bases/Installations
  • Parks, Farms and Rural locations
  • Hotels, Motels, Retirement/Nursing Homes
  • Restaurants
  • Cemeteries
  • Construction Sites
  • Outdoor Flea Markets

Google Maps is a great tool that can be used to help explain whether or not a location has limited access. However, please keep in mind that even though the location is easy to get in and out of and they may have the necessary equipment to unload they may still be considered limited access. Some great examples of this are as follows:

  • Farms: While they are easy to get to and have equipment, they usually take the driver off his/her usual route which causes delays for the other shipments on the trailer
  • Mini Storage Units: The driver will have to use a smaller trailer with or without a liftgate and thus make fewer deliveries that day because of the space available on the trailer, so the charges are there to compensate for this
    • Carriers normally have fewer trailers with liftgates which makes this even more difficult when the volume of limited access or liftgate shipments goes up

Keep in mind: Commercial buildings with docks are normally clustered in the same area, a carrier can easily make multiple pickups or deliveries in a business park in the same time it may take to make one limited access delivery.


Training Tuesday:Consultative Selling & Fact Finding

Consultative selling has many advantages and can be a very effective sales technique. But this type of selling can have a negative impact on some salespeople. Some sales reps visit a customer two or three times, ask them every question they can think of except the most important question of all – asking the customer to buy their service.

If on the second call you don’t ask for the shipper’s business, it then becomes a social visit and not a sales call. You can and should qualify the customer and re-visit their needs on a regular basis. If they’re qualified to buy and you don’t offer your help, then you’re doing them a disservice. On the other hand, if you keep calling on a customer who’s not qualified, you’re stealing time and money from yourself. Be sure after you’ve made a consultative sales call that you follow up by asking for their business.

Treat all your sales work as a consulting assignment. Consultative selling turns salespeople into experts and clients into partners. When you first meet the prospect take your “sell” sign down for the majority, if not all, of your first call.

The best salespeople are professional problem solvers. We’re in the business of solving transportation problems. But you have to know and understand the problem first before you try to solve it. You have to be willing to walk in the door without any preconceived notions as to how best to solve the problems identified.

Since you sell to other companies, you should consider yourself in the business of solving profitability problems. That’s the key concern you’ll ultimately be addressing – how to increase profitability. Everything you do should eventually lead to the goal of the clients’ company increasing its level of profitability. If you can’t break your sales efforts into solutions that help the customer, you’ll either base your sales on manipulating others or fail to persuade prospects that you’re offering anything of value.

On every sales call, be the student, because you really are. In real estate, they say it’s all in the location. In transportation sales it’s questions, questions, and more questions. You’ll be surprised and sometimes shocked at what a customer will tell you.

Not only is the consultative sales approach effective in finding the correct sales solutions, it’s also very helpful in eliminating people who are not potential customers, thus saving you time in the long run.

Even though it’s okay to call an initial visit with a customer a qualifying call, don’t only make the call to qualify. Make the call primarily to learn.

Sales listening is patient listening. Don’t anxiously wait for an opportunity to jump in and solve all the customer’s problems right away. After I ask a question I shut up and allow my prospect to speak. Sometimes I wait for several minutes. I don’t feel threatened by the silence. Most salespeople can’t stand a pause in the conversation. Take a deep breath, relax, and listen. Some prospects want to be listened to more than they want their problems solved. If a client or prospective client has had a bad day, let them talk about it. Don’t try to stop them.

“Pretend that everyone you meet has a sign around their neck that says MAKE ME FEEL IMPORTANT. Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life.” – Mary Kay Ash

Transportation salespeople who have been in our industry for a long time should re-visit how they qualify and maintain accounts. It’s easy to start believing that you possess all the answers. Too often we make assumptions based on outdated information. Visit accounts often and ask questions. You never know what changes might have taken place since your last call until you ask.

Take notes! Taking notes during your meeting with the prospect can be one of your most powerful sales tools. It will reinforce the reason you made the appointment in the first place: to learn more about the prospect and his company’s transportation needs.

Taking notes helps you listen. There’s something about holding an empty notepad in front of you that makes you pay better attention to what is being said. It also makes it more difficult to miss important points.

Taking notes puts you in a position of authority. You can also glance at notes and questions you prepared prior to making the sales call. Taking notes will also encourage the prospect to open up. Taking notes sends strong positive signals to the prospect. It says, “I’m listening to you. I won’t forget. I’ll use the information you’re giving me to find solutions when I get back to my office.”

It’s a fine line between asking questions that will help the prospect solve their transportation problems, and a cross-examination. Be sure your prospect feels at ease. Be natural. The consultative sale should be a comfortable two-way conversation.

Never waste the prospect’s time. That may seem like an obvious point, but many of your competitors never know when to get to business, or for that matter, even when the appointment is over. There will come a point when the customer will be ready to move past the small talk, and usually it’s quicker than you might think. Your contact, like most of us these days, is short on time. Most traffic managers, purchasing managers, and other decision-makers you call on appreciate you getting to the point. You can tactfully do this without jeopardizing the emerging relationship.

First, give the prospect a reason he or she should answer your questions. Second, make sure everyone involved in the decision-making process is present if at all possible.

Know the questions you’re going to ask before you arrive at the customer’s desk. The list below is provided to stimulate ideas that will help you customize your own list. The information you collect from the customer’s answers will increase your chances of putting together a great proposal after you’ve made the consultative sales call.

Last, but not least, be sure to wrap up the appointment by asking for the next appointment, and by getting a positive response on a trial close. It should sound like this:

Salesperson: “Mr. Smith, I’ve learned a lot here today, and I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me. We’re at the point now where we should set up another appointment, one where I can come back after having sorted through everything I’ve learned here, and show you more about what Sunteck may be able to do for your company. Is Thursday at 2PM okay?”

Prospect: “Sure, next Thursday at 2PM will be just fine.”

Salesperson: “Great! One last question ( pause ) if you like the program I develop for you, would you be willing to give us a try?”


Salesperson: “I really appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions. Based on what I just learned, I’m confident there’s a fit between our companies and that we can definitely help you solve some of your shipping problems. I’m going to make a commitment to you to develop a customized proposal, which will include my recommendations to you and your company. What I’d like in return from you is a commitment to give us a shot. Let us prove how good we are. I’m confident you’ll be very happy! Can I get that kind of commitment from you?

“Great! I’ll need about a week to get with my team back at the office and develop a package just for you. Is this time next week good for you?”

Both of these approaches let the prospect know that when you come back for your second appointment, your sale sign will go up. It prepares them to say “yes” when you come back later and ask them to buy.


Training Tuesday:Prospecting Tips

No matter what you have scheduled for any particular day there is one part of your job you should do every day – prospecting. There are no sales without customers and there are no customers without frequent prospecting. To keep your trucks full of freight, you have to keep prospects in your pipeline. Set a daily or weekly minimum number of cold calls or prospecting contacts for yourself – your success depends on it.

There are many resources that cover the best ways to be successful in prospecting, and some of our top tips are below:

1. Talk to and develop relationships with everyone you meet in your industry. Make sure your competitors know you and what you do. Share information. Never give away company secrets, but sometimes you can help each other achieve goals and gain new business you might not have uncovered without the others help. These relationships with other salespeople can help you better adapt your selling techniques, and help you handle rejections more easily.

2. Join clubs and organizations. You never know where your next big shipper will come from. Focus on developing and practicing your networking skills – the most powerful business tool. Mastering networking is the difference between a mediocre and magnificent career.

3. Subscribe to industry publications. Read your local newspapers, business publications, and national publications. There are many online resources and articles that will provide excellent industry insight.

4. Attend trade shows and seminars. Those that are aimed at trucking and freight, as well as major tradeshows that are specific to certain industries, are a great place to start. Give speeches every chance you get. Don’t sell from the podium. However, speaking will help with positioning yourself as an industry expert will benefit you in the long run.

5. Surround yourself with successful people. It’s the best way to learn how to be successful.


LTL 101:Density Based Rules & Price

Density is very important in selecting freight class. One carrier that rates solely on density of an item is Central Transport. Some carriers will rate based on density if the commodities’ National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) is a density based item. Three carriers that do this are Midwest Motor Express, UPS, and Saia.

With these NMFC density based rating carriers the general rule is anything under 48 inches high will be calculated as 48 inches and anything over 48 inches but under 96 inches will be calculated as 96 inches for density purposes. 

Please see the actual wording from one of the carrier’s rules tariff below:

So how could this affect your shipment?
Say you were shipping 1 pallet of sheet steel, or NMFC 175120, which is a density based item.

  • The dimensions are 144” L x 45” W x 18” H
  • The total weight is 550lbs.
  • This equates to 8.1 PCF & Class 100
  • In turn, sub 6 would be selected for this NMFC (175120-6)

However, if you changes the dimensions based on the carrier’s rules tariff above, you now have the following:

  • The dimensions are 144” L x 45” W x 48” H
  • The total weight is 550lbs.
  • This equates to 3.1 PCF & Class 250
  • In turn, sub 3 would be selected for this NMFC (175120-3)

Due to the higher class of freight, the price will go up substantially!


Training Tuesday:Confirming More Sales

Being a successful salesperson requires a lot of practice, being able to envision making a sales call that results in sales success. Confirming the sale requires a lot of confidence and belief that you can make the sale and help the customer. The confidence you demonstrate when talking with a customer about our ability to deliver the service they need has the effect of transferring that confidence to them.

In the transportation industry, a lot of credit is given to a salesperson who is a proven closer. That has always been my reputation – a guy who always asks for the sale and expects the customer to say “YES.” Being known as a “Closer” is a big compliment. The only downside is the negative connotation of being a “closer,” when it is more accurate to call it “confirming the sale.”

Whatever you decide to call it – there’s no magic to confirming the sale. Right from the initial approach to the very end of your presentation, bit by bit, you should be confirming the sale. It’s when you find out if you did your job properly, but by following your instincts and confirming the sale throughout the process then the customer will let you know when it’s time to close the sale.

Though closing the sale should be the most natural part of the process, it can be tricky. Below are some of our top tips for confirming more sales:

  1. Make your sales process a series of small “closes” – this takes the pressure off of a final moment and makes it easier for a prospect to agree to move forward. Getting your prospect comfortable saying “yes” will help make the final confirmation of the sale more natural.
  2. Research the customer first. If you understand your customer’s business, their needs, and their current solution, you will be better able to adapt your presentation to emphasize the strengths of your solution. It is much easier to confirm a sale if you can make sure that your service meets the needs of the customer and solves their problems and pain points.
  3. Listen more than you speak. Put the customer, and their needs, first. If you can put the customer first, they’ll feel valued, and often times, listening to their problems and needs can give you extra information for tailoring your sales presentation. People want to work with people who make them feel valued and heard – so hear them, and they’re more likely to say “yes” when you ask to work with them.

Work on making the confirmation process an ongoing and natural part of your sales presentation and you will be able to close more sales, more easily.


Training Tuesday:Tips for Getting More Referrals

Asking for referrals is the difference between the average salesperson and the superstar. It can be intimidating to ask a customer or prospect for a referral, but it is key to keeping your sales pipeline full. Below are some of our top tips on getting more referrals.

  1. Ask for simple introductions but know your ideal customer. Don’t add pressure by making it seem like a formal interaction, instead, ask for an introduction to a person who fits the characteristics of your preferred or ideal buyer. Making the referral project casual, but specific, allows you to ask more easily, and also makes it easier for the customer to provide a referral.
  2. Give as many referrals as you hope to get. If you can give a referral, it opens the door to ask for one as well. Plus, if you give referrals, it makes people feel happier and better about working with you, and therefore, makes them more likely to happily offer referrals to those in their professional network.
  3. Make it as easy as possible for your customer. Keep your ask specific – make sure they have an easy way to share your information, and a clear idea of who would be good to share it with. If you can make it easier for the customer, it limits the chance that they will say no or not have time to actually give the referral after you ask for one.
  4. Time your ask appropriately. Pay attention to when you ask for a referral. Time it to be after they express satisfaction with your services, or after you’ve successfully delivered on promises you made in your sales presentation.
  5. Say “Thank you.” If a customer does provide a referral, even if it doesn’t turn into a sale, be sure to say thank you to them. Showing that you are grateful for the time and effort they put in to giving that referral will make them more likely to give future referrals.

LTL 101:Dealing with Damaged Freight 

Damaged freight is an unavoidable part of transporting freight, and while frustrating and challenging, there are things you can do to help mitigate the loss. Check out our tips on dealing with damaged freight below.

1: What do I do when I receive damaged freight?

Sign the delivery receipt as damaged… I repeat, SIGN THE DELIVERY RECEIPT AS DAMAGED!  If the receipt is signed as “clear”, it is almost guaranteed that your freight claim amount will be reduced to a settlement, or worse, denied altogether.

Below are a couple things to remember when signing for damages:

  • Notate all damages – If only one item is noted as damaged, more than likely the carrier will only refund that one item
  • “Subject to Inspection” is NOT a valid notation – This notation is not enough to hold the carrier liable.  When in doubt, notate “Damaged.”
  • If you must, refuse the freight – In cases where the driver will not let you sign or check for damages, refuse the freight.

2: Does the carrier need to be notified?

In short, yes, the carrier needs to be notified. Proper notations on the delivery receipt constitute as notifying the carrier.  If damages are noticed after the delivery, the carrier should be notified ASAP, and MUST be within 15 days of the delivery.  In most cases, any damaged shipment where the carrier was notified later than 15 days after delivery will be immediately denied by the carrier.

3: What do I need to file a damage freight claim?

When filing a freight claim, the more documentation, the better.  However, there are a few key documents that you should include with every freight claim.

  • Completed freight claim form
  • Product invoice/sales invoice
  • Proof of delivery/delivery receipt
  • Original Bill of Lading
  • Carrier freight bill (for freight charges)
  • Repair cost invoice (if applicable)

4: What should I do with the damaged freight?

Through every freight claims process, the freight needs to be available for the carrier, usually for inspection or salvage pickup.  This means the freight needs to be held onto until the freight claim is resolved.  DO NOT throw away the freight, including the packaging as this could result in the carrier denying the freight claim.

Your options are as follows:

  • The consignee can accept the freight and sign the POD as damaged/short and hold the freight until the freight claim is resolved
  • The consignee can refuse the freight and have it shipped back to the shipper (usually Free Astray) where the shipper will hold the freight until the freight claim is resolved
  • In some rare cases, carriers will dispose of the freight themselves if given the okay by the customer due to a complete loss of the product.
  • The carrier WILL NOT hold onto the damaged freight during the freight claims process and storage charges will accrue if disposition is not given to the carrier in a timely manner.